東京丸の内にて円覚寺 横田管長が直々に教えてくださるの「イス坐禅のすすめ」にご招待いただき、座るプロから座ることを学ばせていただきました。とある法話会の時に、「サイクリストは座ることに悩んでいる」と説明。骨盤を立てること、寝かすこと等の座り方のアドバイスを伺った際、今回の学びの場をご提供いただきました。




I was invited to a “chair zazen” session by Engakuji Temple’s chief priest Yokota in Marunouchi, Tokyo, where I learned how to sit from a professional.I explained that “cyclists have trouble sitting.” I explained that cyclists currently have trouble with sitting, such as keeping their pelvis upright or lying down. When I asked for specific advice on how to sit, this learning opportunity was provided.

Using everyday tools, I massaged my shoulders and neck to my toes. Gradually, my back straightened, and to finish, I practiced breathing. Before I knew it, I had started zazen naturally. I did zazen for about 15 minutes with a comfortable posture and breathing.

Finally, I had him actually sit on the saddle and we had a little discussion about sitting, and he gave me his valuable time.Sit using your whole body. Before you know it, you’re sitting.Even during bicycle fittings, I would like to practice leading riders to a feeling of naturally pedaling.
